Discovering Your Story
Discovering your story.
Read the following article “5 Storytelling templates to use in your marketing”
Stories equals sales
Every one of you has stories to share. And as a digital entrepreneur, the better you get at sharing them the better your marketing will become.
Your prospects will trust you and be more willing to try out your course, coaching, or whatever it is you have to offer. This is how you can monetize the attention of your prospects.
Use any of these templates to crank out your next story faster than ever before:
- The Before And After Story
- The Testimonial Story
- The Hypothetical Story
- The Metaphor Or Analogy Story
- The Time And Place Story
The journey from company hero to successful storytelling
And in marketing? Every company has its heroes!
The hero’s journey makes it possible to convey visions and values and thus creates opportunities for identification. It illustrates how helpful and indispensable your products and your services are for helping the hero solve his task. That only works if he experiences and loves the attitude towards life you’re trying to convey. Hence, the goal is to appeal to his emotions as he lives through the story.
Questions that’ll get you a step closer to the hero’s journey
- Which topics and, more importantly, problems and challenges are your customers and partners confronted with in their everyday lives? Don’t shirk the uncomfortable!
- What hopes and dreams do your heroes want to turn into a reality?
- In which situations do customers (maybe unexpectedly) come in contact with your brand?
- When and where did certain products and services help them?
- Are there any little adventures hidden in your customer surveys that you should revisit?
- Which positive experiences with the company do people within the company talk about? (Potential) employees can become heroes too, after all …
- Can the company history be turned into thrilling epos?
Source: punkt&komma